
Internal signing

To sign a transaction using the WASM SDK, you can call sign() method with an array of Signer-compatible class instances or a set of private keys.

    let xkey = new XPrivateKey(

    let private_key = xkey.receiveKey(0);
    let transaction = signTransaction(tx, [private_key], true);
    transaction = transaction.toRpcTransaction();
    let result = await rpc.submitTransaction({transaction, allowOrphan:false});

External signing

In cases where inputs need to be signed externally, you can create a transaction, obtain it's input sighashes, sign these sighashes externally and then apply the signatures back to the transaction.

    let scriptHashes = tx.getScriptHashes();
    let signatures =>signScriptHash(hash, private_key));
    console.log("signatures", signatures)
    let transaction = tx.setSignatures(signatures);
    let result = await rpc.submitTransaction({transaction, allowOrphan:false});