Loading into a Web App
Loading in a Web Browser requires an import of the JavaScript module and an async await for a bootstrap handler as follows:
<script type="module">
import * as kaspa_wasm from './kaspa/kaspa-wasm.js';
(async () => {
const kaspa = await kaspa_wasm.default('./kaspa/kaspa-wasm_bg.wasm');
Loading into a Node.js App
For Node.js, Kaspa WASM SDK is available as a regular Node.js module that can be loaded using require().
// W3C WebSocket module shim
globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;
let {RpcClient,Encoding,init_console_panic_hook,defer} = require('./kaspa-rpc');
// init_console_panic_hook();
let URL = "ws://";
let rpc = new RpcClient(Encoding.Borsh,URL);
(async () => {
await rpc.connect();
let info = await rpc.getInfo();
await rpc.disconnect();
The Node.js WebSocket shim
To use WASM RPC client in the Node.js environment, you need to introduce a W3C WebSocket-compatible object before loading the WASM32 library. You can use any Node.js module that exposes a W3C-compatible WebSocket implementation. Two of such modules are WebSocket (provides a custom implementation) and isomorphic-ws (built on top of the ws WebSocket module).
You can use the following shims:
// WebSocket
globalThis.WebSocket = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;
// isomorphic-ws
globalThis.WebSocket = require('isomorphic-ws');